Start reading user data in 10 minutes!
Get your API Keys
Connect App Clip & Instant App
Simply launch the Connect in your application using a URL. Here’s how to construct the Connect URL.
Connect Helper Package
We provide packages to make it easy to generate a valid Connect URL. The Connect helper handles parameter validations automagically!
Install Using Swift Package Manager in Xcode
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Go to
>Add Packages...
. - Enter the repository URL:
. - Choose the version rule (e.g., “Up to Next Major”) and click
Add Package
. - Select the GandalfConnect package for your target.
Or Update Package.swift
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "YourProjectName",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/gandalf-network/connect-ios-sdk.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
targets: [
name: "YourTargetName",
dependencies: ["GandalfConnect"]
Then, run swift package update
to fetch the dependency.
Import the package
import GandalfConnect
Create an instance of ConnectInput
with the necessary details:
let services: InputData = [
"uber": .service(Service(traits: ["rating"], activities: ["trip"]))
let input = ConnectInput(
publicKey: "yourPublicKey",
redirectURL: "https://example.com",
services: services
Initialize the Connect
let connect = Connect(input: input)
Generating URL
To generate a URL, call the generateURL
do {
let generatedURL = try await connect.generateURL()
print("Generated URL: \(generatedURL)")
} catch {
print("Error generating URL: \(error)")
Read more on Github.
Finally, pull the data
Get Data Key
After your user is done linking their accounts, Connect will navigate to your redirectUrl
with a query
parameter called dataKey
You can use the packages to get the dataKey
Proceed by sending the dataKey to your server, where you can securely request the data you seek.
from your application’s server.Securely request the data (server-side)
Sauron Helper Packages
We provide packages that makes it super easy to interact with the Sauron API. They completely abstract away the complexity of authentication and interacting with the GraphQL APIs.
npm i -g @gandalf-network/eyeofsauron
eyeofsauron generate
This will generate an eyeofsauron
folder in your project root directory.
Import the package
// Typescript
import Eye, { Source } from './eyeofsauron';
// ESModules
import Eye, { Source } from './eyeofsauron/index.js';
// CommonJS
const Eye = require('./eyeofsauron').default
const { Source } = require('./eyeofsauron');
Get Activity
const eye = new Eye({privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY})
const { data } = await eye.getActivity({dataKey: dataKey, source: Source.Amazon, limit: 100, page: 2})
Get Traits
const { data: traits } = await eye.getTraits({
dataKey: dataKey,
source: Source.UBER,
labels: [TraitLabel.RATING, TraitLabel.TRIP_COUNT],
Read more on Github.
That’s all!