Traits represent static, specific data points extracted directly from a user’s profile on supported data sources. These include elements like an Uber passenger rating, Amazon Prime membership status, or Genius level, providing a snapshot of a user’s status or ratings that typically remain unchanged over short periods of time.

Retrieving Traits

Connect (Client-Side)

To retrieve traits, you’ll need:

  1. Data Source: In the example below, the data source is uber, you can see a list of valid sources here.
  2. Trait Label: In the example below, the trait label is rating. This varies across data sources. You can find out what trait labels on the reference page of the data source in question. For example, on the Uber page, you’ll see that it supports rating & trip_count trait labels.
let services: InputData = [
    "uber": .service(Service(traits: ["rating"]))

let input = ConnectInput(
    services: services

let connect = Connect(input: input)

do {
    let generatedURL = try await connect.generateURL()

Sauron (Server-Side)

getTraits and lookupTrait let you request end-user traits using a data key.

Trait Response

See all the Trait attributes & values.

Request a data source

We’re constantly adding new sources and we’d love to hear from you.